A recording of Kria channeling on July 4th 2021. Kria reminded us that Oneness starts with being one within ourselves, being comfortable with our body as our best friend on our Soul’s journey. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
One Heart Oneness Meditation recorded June 29th 2021. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of Kria channeling on June 27th 2021. Kria reminded us that we are not alone. We are more powerful as a collective working together as one. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness meditation on June 22nd 2021. A meditation to guide you through the DNA light tunnel back to Creator Source. Enjoy. Access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast here.
A recording of Kria channeling on June 20th 2021. Kria reminded us the importance of being balanced and our natural purpose. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, Unity is the basis of the Universe. Discord is created by the distortion of our own perception of reality. We’ll be exploring the topic of Connection and also it’s antithesis Disconnection in this episode. The guided meditation is to balance all 7 chakras in your body. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio …
A recording of channeling Kria on June 13th 2021. Kria reminded us that we are One. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation on June 8th 2021. Connecting with all of Human Collective to anchor in 4th Density Service to Others on Mother Earth. Enjoy. Click here for the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of Kria channeling on Jun 6th 2021. It’s June gateway day and Kria reminded us to call forth and embody the new 5D positive Earth. The plan has already been formed in higher planes, it is our turn to make it happen. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor …
A recording of One Heart Meditation aired on June 1st 2021. This is a guided meditation to connect with Source through the tiny space of heart. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.