Dear Friends, I feel called to do a July Gateway Celebration to honor the good fortune that this year July 7th falls on a Thursday which is my regular podcast day and also because the Serius portal energy is still active, all the more reasons to celebrate. The meditation at the end is a guided …
Dear Friends, the topic for this video is “The Purpose of This Moment”. Life is precious. We didn’t come here willy nilly just to take up space. I have often wondered what is the purpose of life, as have some of you may have wondered too I imagine. In these interesting times, I think it …
A recording of One Heart Meditation on August 24th 2021. This oneness meditation takes us to reunite with our body as though our body is the most prescious child and possession. We entrain our body to be the powerful ally it truly can be. Enjoy. Click here to access audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
One Heart Meditation recorded on August 3rd 2021. Feel the unconditional love in oneness with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor podcast.
One Heart Oneness Meditation for July 27th 2021. Experience the real You that is beyond the body and exist as the consciousness underlying all things. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on July 20th 2021. This is a guided meditation to remind us that we are more than this body. We are the building/city/country/planet/solar system… that we are in. We are One. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on July 13th 2021. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of Kria channeling on July 4th 2021. Kria reminded us that Oneness starts with being one within ourselves, being comfortable with our body as our best friend on our Soul’s journey. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
One Heart Oneness Meditation recorded June 29th 2021. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.