Dear Friends, this Heart Song Podcast episode is on Creating Heaven On Earth. Everyone is ready to live in a Heaven like Earth but not everyone is ready to create a Heaven like environment on Earth. This is our topic of exploration in this episode. The compendium meditation for Creating Heaven On Earth is a …
A recording of One Heart Oneness meditation live streamed on March 2nd 2024. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation live streamed on Feb. 10th 2024. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on February 3rd 2024. Enjoy. Click here to access version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on January 20th 2024. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, the Podcast topic for this episode is on creating our reality. What is reality and how can we be responsible for creating our own reality experience. The meditation for this episode is a meditation to reclaim our power for creating our preferred reality. Enjoy.
A meditation on letting go of duality and going back to Oneness with Zero Point energy. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on December 16th 2023. Remember that you are eternal essence embodied. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation on Dec. 9th 2023. You are love. You are loved. You are supported. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation livestreamed on December 2nd 2023. You are cosmic love in an individualized vessel whether you are conscious of it or not. Feel the love that is already within. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.