Dear Friends, our heart is the mediator between our body and our soul. When our heart is balanced, we have a clear connection with our soul. To close out our month long exploration into the theme of Balance, we’ll be looking into “Balancing The Heart”. This information is available in podcast format on all major …
Dear Friends, I have to admit that I’m the one who really needed to hear this channeled message more than any one else in attendant. This message cleared a lot of cobwebs in my believe system. I hope it can help you too. Much love. This channeling is also available on all major podcast platforms …
This is a recording of channeling Kria on October 10th 2020. It was a great evening of healing from the collective trauma that’s been lodged in our DNA. Mother Earth facility greatly in lending her great wisdom and energies. This channeling is also available in podcast format on all major podcast platforms. Here is the …
Dear Friends, this is a recording of a channeling of Kria on October 4th 2020. Not a particularly long message however it feels like a powerful infusion of peace and calm in the midst of much chaos in the human collective. Kria gently reminded us that we are the creator of our own experience. What …
Dear Friends, the theme for this podcast is Balance. Balance is not an experience that we are very familiar with. We have collectively signed up to experience the roller coaster version of reality. That contract is over though and here we are in 2020, we are well on our way to take back the control …
Dear Friends, this episode of podcast is the wrap-up of our month long exploration into Beliefs. Our ability to take on beliefs is part of an intelligent design. There is a purpose for this and it’s “fun” when you know how to be in charge of your beliefs rather than let them run your life. …
Dear Friends, this is a recording of the live channeling of Kria on September 20th 2020. The central message of this channeling is for us to start to remember that we are one with our environment. Kria gave us a method of grounding this level of Oneness within our consciousness. This recording is also available …
Dear Friends, in this podcast we continue on our theme of Beliefs and we’ll be covering the Structure of our Beliefs. We’ve all talked about transforming our lives and oftentimes when we have trouble seeing the results of our efforts it’s because our beliefs are so unconscious that we don’t truly understand what our beliefs …
Dear Friends, we talked about the importance of Beliefs last episode. Unsupportive beliefs creates unsupportive experiences. Let’s focus on how to dismantle beliefs that no longer support us so that we can create a favorable experience. You can listen to this on all major podcast platforms. Here is the link to Anchor podcast.
Dear Friends, this meditation was live-streamed on September 9th 2020. I was inspired/prompted to do a meditation this evening to help everyone integrate all the powerful blasts of high frequency that has been hitting the Human Collective. You can listen to this meditation on all major podcast platforms. Here is the link to Anchor podcast.