A recording of One Heart Meditation where we gather to connect as energetically as one. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of channeling Kria on February 28th 2021. Kria reminded us that we are Joy, Light and Love. It’s time to enjoy and love and allow the light within us to flow. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only podcast on Anchor.
Dear Friends, as some of you may have felt the avalanche of energy lately. It has been an interesting roller coaster week for me which gave birth to the topic for tonight’s podcast. This is some colorful version of The Game of Life! I would like to share my journey over the past week and …
A recording of One Heart Meditation on February 16th 2021. To get a deeper meditation we’ve started the meditation with a 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out breathing rhythm sync up with our synovial fluid cycle as well. Enjoy. This recording is available on all major podcast platform under A New Human Experience podcast …
Dear Friends, it’s almost Valentine’s Day and so this week’s A New Human Experience podcast topic is “I Am Love”. Love is the glue that holds the fabric of the Universe together. It’s that important and of cause it has been very much distorted and misrepresented. I’m not suggesting that I know much, nor that …
A New Human Experience podcast episode recorded on January 28th 2021. Some times you wonder what lies beneath people’s minds for them to be the way they are. The same can also be said about ourselves! What the heck happened, why can’t I get out of my own head!!! I’m not saying that the podcast …
There are many levels of Oneness. Being one with mind, body and spirit is the first level of Oneness. Being one with all of creation on Earth is a higher level of Oneness. We can keep going until we include all of creation back to Source. This is a guided meditation to experience oneness within ourselves and with Mother Earth.
This is a recording of the live streamed channeling of Kria on January 24th 2021. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only podcast on Anchor Podcast platform.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on January 19th 2021. We are all one in spirit and this meditation is dedicated to our remembrance and experience of that oneness that is withing our inner knowing. Enjoy this meditation in podcast format on all major podcast providers and here is the link to Anchor …
Dear Friends, this is the first episode in 2021 of A New Human Experience podcast. It was great to have some time off to rethink what direction this podcast will boldly go forth towards in the new year. As we see the old system showing signs of cracking down, I want to use this podcast …