Dear Friends, to assist you all to start the year on the best note, this week’s podcast is on Navigating 2024. By all accounts, 2024 will be a very energetic and pivotal year. We will be discussing how to steer clear of the tricky parts and take advantage of the tremendous energetic support of 2024. …
Dear Friends, this episode of Heart Song Podcast is on the Digestive System In Relation to the Endocrine System. When we are stressed aka in fight or flight mode, our body assists us by diverting most of our body’s resources to handle the situation. Ordinary things like digesting food properly drops down on the list …
Dear Friends, this session will be on The Endocrine System. The Endocrine System is a collection of glands in our body that secretes hormones to regulate our body and our experience of this reality. Since this is quite a few glands and organs involved, I shall start with focusing on the Hypothalamus gland and see …
Autumnal Equinox Celebration for 2022. This is a powerful time of the year that we can use to lay the foundation for a bright new Human experience for ourselves and for our community. Before we do the main Autumnal Equinox Activation, let’s prepare ourselves by letting go of the programs or believes that no long …
Dear Friends, this Energy Playshop is on developing the Clairs, aka Intuition. The Clairs come in many forms – Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, Clairalience, etc… The Clairs are innate abilities that everyone are born with, although most people abandon these abilities early on in their life journey. The Clairs are a very practical way of …
Dear Friends, I feel called to do a July Gateway Celebration to honor the good fortune that this year July 7th falls on a Thursday which is my regular podcast day and also because the Serius portal energy is still active, all the more reasons to celebrate. The meditation at the end is a guided …
Dear Friends, in Energy Playshop 9 we’ll be talking about advanced healing techniques. The meditation for this episode is a guided meditation to infuse yourself with pure love and let the pure love from Source Creator to assist you in letting go of what doesn’t support you in this moment. I have linked here the …
Dear Friends, Energy Playshop 8 is about how to heal ourselves. We’ll be wrapping up with a few more techniques and then talking about a simple how to approach. There is a short meditation to experience different dimensions. 16 inches is 4D, 32 inches is 5D, 64 inches is 6D and 128 inches is 7D. …
Dear Friends, this is the entirety of Energy Playshop 7. The topic of this Playshop is the Role of Consciousness in Healing. There is also an excerpt of only the Shifting Perspective meditation and the I Am meditation are separate videos. Enjoy them all my friends. Click here to access the audio only version on …
Dear Friends, the next tier of Energy Playshop starts with this video. In the month of June, we’ll be getting more intentional about using Energy to do work like healing our own body. The meditation for this playshop is a guided meditation to create a better relationship with our body. Enjoy. Click here to access …