Dear Friends, Energy Playshop, 52 is about the Heart chakra. We’ll be talking about the significance of this chakra and more importantly, come together to pool our resources in clearing our Heart chakra and setting a template for team Humanity to draw on. The final meditation for this Playshop is a guided meditation to clear …
A recording of One Heart Oneness meditation. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, on Energy Playshop 51 we will be continuing our quest to clear and strengthen our chakras. We’ll be concentrating on the Solar Plexus tonight and making our Kundalini resonate loud and clear. The final meditation of this Playshop is a Solar Plexus Chakra clearing and Kundalini activation meditation to assist you in connecting …
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation on June 18th 2023. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, Energy Playshop 50 is on clearing our Sacral Chakra and strengthening the Kundalini. The final meditation on this Playshop is a Sacral Chakra Clearing Meditation. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation livestreamed on June 11th 20203. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, the theme for Energy Playshop 49 is Kundalini. Kundalini is the energy channel within our body that connects us to Earth’s energy. We will be looking at this connection and clearing what keeps us disconnected on this episode. The final meditation of this episode is a Root Chakra Clearing and Kundalini activation meditation. …
A recording of One Heart Meditation livestreamed on June 4th 2023. Enjoy this Oneness meditation to guide you into being at one with yourself. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
Energy Playshop 48 is on Zero Point Activation and opening of the Real Eye. Zero Point is where we can access our divinity, our connection to our true-self outside of time-space. When we can get guidance from our own divinity, life can be more meaningful. The meditation for this episode is the Zero Point and …
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on May 28th 2023. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.