Dear Friends, my contract to channel Kria has ended. Our last channeling session was on August 22nd 2021. On the morning of August 22nd I called in Kria when I was doing my meditation, a practice that I’ve adopted each time I channel Kria. Kria announced that our contract is done. I did feel a sense of loss briefly cause it had been quite the journey of growth since Kria appeared in my bedroom one fine evening way back in 2018. I made a choice that when it’s done it’s done and I won’t try to grasp on. I think because of that choice, I was able to look back on the journey of channeling Kira fondly and let it all go all within 24 hours. The recording of the last Kria channeling is available here. May you all go boldly towards the next adventure in your life. From my heart to yours.

It’s been quite the journey. From the first time Kria appeared in my bedroom to now. I have grown a lot since November of 2017. Kria is an entity from the Kryon group. When Kria asked me to channel messages I had no idea there was so much resistance within myself to being the clear channel that I needed to be for Kria. I thought I was ready in early 2018 to start getting Kria’s messages out and I scheduled an evening to channel. I was not able to get out of bed the weekend before that date. I didn’t even know why I was incapacitated for apparently no good reason that I could think of. Except that I was going to channel in public the following week. I survived the channeling as best I could. Afterwards though I knew I have my work cut out for me. Not just because I made an agreement to channel Kria, but because the underlying issues of why I had so much resistance was endemic to my resistance to my own being. I was a being at war with myself. Perhaps “war” is too harsh a label, let’s say there was a part of “I” that rejected other parts of “I”. This rejection is what needed attention. I threw myself into getting to the bottom of this resistance. My intention is to become whole again, reconnected and harmonizing and learning about all parts of me.
Fast forward to April of 2019. I got to know a bit more about the consciousness that is creating this avatar “I”. There are still so many things I don’t know but I’m more at ease about not knowing and curious to just allow things to unfold as best I can. I have scheduled another date to channel Kria. You are all invited.
Here is the link to our latest channeled energy transmission.