Have you wondered who are you? I know you know what your name is, where you live, what you do for a living etc… But who are you? Illumination is the process of remembering the light within, that is remembering who you truly are. Some people call it Ascension and some people call it Awakening. “Who am I truly” is a question that I have asked myself many times and it is only recently that I actually become ready to start to find out. This is our theme for November. The meditation for this episode is is a guided meditation to connect to the energy of Antarctica. Our body was designed and created off-planet and Antarctica was the first place that our body was brought to on Earth so that it could start to connect with it’s new home/playground. Connecting to Antarctica is connecting to the nurturing home that our body once knew. This episode can be enjoyed in podcast format on all major podcast platform and here is the link to Anchor podcast.