Dear Friends, the topic for this episode of A New Human Experience Podcast is “Embrace Your Truth”. Each of us are going through a transformation of sorts. It’s not whether you are transforming or not, it’s where you are in this transformation. We are going through this transformation because we as a collective have chosen …
A recording of One Heart Oneness meditation. It is time for us to look within and connect with our essence and let our essence come through to awaken all of our DNA, visible and non-visible ones no matter which dimension they may be active in. It is time to activate all aspects of you as …
Dear Friends, this Thursday is September 9th, aka September Gateway day. September is a powerful month energetically speaking and I started out by sharing my experience of how the energy has affected me. I also shared my understanding of where we are on the two world split journey and what is the best way to …
A recording of One Heart Meditation on September 5th 2021. A guided meditation to come into Oneness with the body and Mother Earth in Unconditional Love and Acceptance and be completely supported. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast
SoulSpeaks 5D with Winnie Lui. I shared part of my galactic reunion story with Todd Medina on his platform. Thank you Todd for the fun time.
A recording of One Heart Oneness Meditation on August 29th 2021. A guided meditation to unconditionally accept and love ourselves in Oneness. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, A New Human Experience podcast topic for tonight is “Completing the Circle”. We came here to experience this reality. For the longest time now, I’ve felt that there seemed to be so many open loops in my life that’s flagging me down to get complete with them even though I thought I have …
A recording of One Heart Meditation on August 24th 2021. This oneness meditation takes us to reunite with our body as though our body is the most prescious child and possession. We entrain our body to be the powerful ally it truly can be. Enjoy. Click here to access audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
This is the last recording of Kria channeling. I checked in with Kria and I got the message that our contract is over. I’m very grateful for this co-creation with Kria and I’m also grateful for what will be coming in next. Kria’s last message with me is to step up to be the Creator …
Dear Friends, Congratulations, you’ve made it. What have you made it to you may want to ask, the good news is we don’t know. No one knows. We are here to co-create “It” together. We can start by coming home to ourselves and that is our topic of exploration tonight. We are each an aspect …