A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on March 10th 2021. We are One. There is nothing outside of us. The perceived separation is simply and illusion. Let’s get back to experiencing being One in this moment. Enjoy this episode in audio only format on Anchor podcast here.
A recording of One Heart Meditation where we gather to connect as energetically as one. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
A recording of One Heart Meditation on February 16th 2021. To get a deeper meditation we’ve started the meditation with a 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out breathing rhythm sync up with our synovial fluid cycle as well. Enjoy. This recording is available on all major podcast platform under A New Human Experience podcast …
Being an observer is a powerful state. It puts you right back in the Creator’s seat where you can observe your own creation. This is what we are aiming for in this meditation, to get into observer, zero point, state. To access this meditation in podcast audio only format go here.
This is the February Gateway meditation and also a recording of the live streamed One Heart Meditation on February 2nd 2021. February may start out quiet but it will not stay soft and mild for long. There is an energetic crescendo building up in the background. Be part of the unconditional love that is surrounding, permeating and lighting up this wonderful playground we affectionately called Mother Earth. Love and light is all that is in the Universe. We will soon understand that and realized that in all possible way humanly possible.
There are many levels of Oneness. Being one with mind, body and spirit is the first level of Oneness. Being one with all of creation on Earth is a higher level of Oneness. We can keep going until we include all of creation back to Source. This is a guided meditation to experience oneness within ourselves and with Mother Earth.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on January 19th 2021. We are all one in spirit and this meditation is dedicated to our remembrance and experience of that oneness that is withing our inner knowing. Enjoy this meditation in podcast format on all major podcast providers and here is the link to Anchor …
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on January 13th 2021. We are one in spirit. Oneness is natural. This meditation facilitates getting back to our natural state of oneness. Enjoy. Click here to the audio podcast version on Anchor and this podcast is also available in all major podcast providers.
A recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on January 5th 2021. Oneness is our natural state. Natural meaning it’s in our nature to be connected to one another as spiritual family. The current state of our collective consciousness is very far away from our true nature. This weekly meditation is my offering to raise …
Dear Friends, this is a recording of One Heart Meditation live streamed on December 29th 2020. A beautiful guided meditation to connect with our heart and with every one on Mother Earth. Enjoy. Audio only version on Anchor podcast is here.