A recording of a channeling of Kria on April 4th 2021. Kria reminded us of the importance of being a clear vessel. Our body is the vessel, the container of our experiences on the playground Earth. Our body is the embodiment of our eternal spirit. Enjoy this in audio only format on Anchor Podcast here.
A recording of channeling of Kria on March 28th 2021. Kria reminded us of the importance of being in integrity. Integrity allows us to be self sustaining and eternal. Enjoy this episode in audio only format on Anchor Podcast here.
A recording of channeling Kria on March 21st 2021. Kria reminded us that we are Creators and we create with energy. Reality is what we have been trained to perceive it as and our perception can be retrained which means reality is pliable according to the observer. It is time to create a different reality …
A recording of the live-streamed channeling of Kria on March 14th 2021. Travel light, Kria reminded us that we are Joy, Light, Love and that’s all we need on this Soul journey. Enjoy. Click here for audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
This is a recording of channeling Kria on March 7th 2021. Kria reminded us that we are magicians of infinite possibilities. Time to be who we are and create. Access the audio only podcast on Anchor Podcast here.
A recording of channeling Kria on February 28th 2021. Kria reminded us that we are Joy, Light and Love. It’s time to enjoy and love and allow the light within us to flow. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only podcast on Anchor.
A recording of channeling Kria on February 21st 2021. Kria talked about the importance of following your own guidance. This channeling is available in podcast audio only on all major podcast platforms and here is the link to Anchor Podcast.
A recording of channeling Kria on Valentine’s Day 2021. Kria talked about what unconditional love in practice is like. This channeling can be enjoyed in audio only podcast format here.
A recording of Kria channeling on February 7th 2021. Enjoy this channeling in audio only format on Anchor Podcast here or search for Kria Channeling on the major podcast platform of your choice.
A recording of a Kria channeling on January 31st 2021. Kria took us all into the moment where magic can happen and we are the supreme creator of our experiences. Enjoy this recording in audio only podcast on most major podcast platforms and here is the link to Anchor Podcast.