Dear Friends, there’s been a lot of talking in the past few episodes, that is why I would like to switch things up this week to concentrate on co-creating a group healing session with Mother Earth. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, this Heart Song Podcast episode is on Creating Heaven On Earth. Everyone is ready to live in a Heaven like Earth but not everyone is ready to create a Heaven like environment on Earth. This is our topic of exploration in this episode. The compendium meditation for Creating Heaven On Earth is a …
Dear Friends, Happy Leap Day! Today does not come every year and on such an auspicious day, the topic for this episode is Clearing Ancestral Enslavement. I used to believe that I live in a free country, I’m free to do or not do anything in life and therefore I am a free person. I …
Dear Friends, this episode of Heart Song Podcast is on Soul Embodiment. This is the prerequisite work for the next phase of developing human consciousness. We’ll be talking about processes to work with the body to dissolve traumas and outdated beliefs to heal the body so that we can allow more of our Soul to …
Dear Friends, the topic for this episode is Clearing Ancestral Patterns. This is a continuation of last week’s Podcast. There’s a lot of stuff that we have inherited from our lineage and it’s going to take more sessions to clean them up. Listen on if you would like to clear up some baggage. During the …
Dear Friends, we have been circulating around the topic of pain in the last 2 episodes. Even though we feel pain in our physical and emotional body, those pain sometimes are remnants from another life time. Let’s do some clean up in this episode to clear the path for a better experience now. Click here …
Dear Friends, this video is on Dealing With Emotional Pain. We have talked a bit about Pain last week. On this episode we shall look deeper into the emotional component of Pain and do something about shifting it. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, this episode is on Dealing With Pain. Pain is the body’s way of communicating to us to look here please. Tonight we’ll look at how we can respond to our body’s request and help it to feel better as best we can. Click here to access the audio version on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, the Podcast topic for this episode is on creating our reality. What is reality and how can we be responsible for creating our own reality experience. The meditation for this episode is a meditation to reclaim our power for creating our preferred reality. Enjoy.
Dear Friends, to assist you all to start the year on the best note, this week’s podcast is on Navigating 2024. By all accounts, 2024 will be a very energetic and pivotal year. We will be discussing how to steer clear of the tricky parts and take advantage of the tremendous energetic support of 2024. …