Dear Friends, the topic for this week’s Podcast is Prana. Prana, life force energy, is every where. Continuing on from last week’s introduction on our energy centres, we will be covering from the Fourth centre, the Heart Centre, all the way to the Crown or Seventh Centre and also how to balance ourselves energetically. The …
Dear Friends, we are going through some unusual times and circumstances which tend to unbalance us. That is why the ability to balance ourselves is a useful skill to have or start developing. This is our topic for discussion in this episode. The companion meditation for the Balance episode is an Earth Connection to the …
Dear Friends, there is a lot on everyone’s mind or may be there’s just a lot on my mind right now. What is foremost on my mind is where do we go from here? I can not decide your destination for you, that’s your responsibility. I’m here to assist you in finding the answer within. …
Dear Friends, it’s a full moon on the night of this recording and even though the moon matrix has been disarmed, the cosmic energies have been shifting each and everyone on Mother Earth intensely to make up for any lax of drama from the moon. The topic tonight is “Eye of the Storm : I …
Dear Friends, Unity is the basis of the Universe. Discord is created by the distortion of our own perception of reality. We’ll be exploring the topic of Connection and also it’s antithesis Disconnection in this episode. The guided meditation is to balance all 7 chakras in your body. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio …
Dear Friends, A New Human Experience Podcast topic for June 3rd 2021 is “The Radiant Kingdom”. How do you all feel right now? Do you feel hopeful and ready for life or do you feel anxious and apprehensive for the other shoe to drop? Contrary to popular belief, we are not victims of a spun …
Dear Friends, the topic for this episode is “The Undiscovered Self”. Who are we? Who am I? Despite living in a body for all our lives we know very little about ourselves. We, as a collective, have been probing. dissecting and studying ourselves for a while now and still our understanding of our own biology …
Dear Friends, the Podcast topic tonight is “Knowing”. The theme for May is “Know Thyself” and so tonight we focus on the finer points on knowing. We are infinite beings experiencing life through this body. We, in theory, have infinite knowing. In practice though, our knowing seems to be rather limited. Knowing is like a …
Dear Friends, the topic of our podcast this week is “Identity”. Inorder to know ourselves better, the best way is to let go of our identifications and simply be. Who would’ve known that identity and self are polar opposites! This is the topic of exploration on this week’s episode. The companion meditation to this podcast …
Dear Friends, the theme for A New Human Experience Podcast in May is “Temet Nosce”, aka Known Thyself. Know thyself is the first principle of growing our consciousness. It’s not as easy as you might think that’s why we’ll be spending at least a whole month on this topic. The companion meditation for this podcast …