Dear Friends, November 8th 2021 is the start of the November Gateway energy. You may feel particularly energized for the next few days or you may be completely exhausted. However your body responds to the in coming energies is perfect for you. This meditation is a guide to assist you to walk/embody as much of …
Dear Friends, this is a guided meditation of our affinity to the Pure Love of Source. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only recording on Anchor Podcast.
Dear Friends, it is with a heavy heart to announce that I got news of Franco’s passing on the morning of October 20th. The unthinkable has happened. I am still in shock as I wrote this. However, I also know that all will work out for the better in time though it may not seem …
Dear Friends, the Podcast topic for this video “Body, Mind, Spirit Complex”. This is a revisit to a topic that I’ve covered some time ago. I have gained new insights on this topic and I would like to check-in and share some more. To compliment the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex podcast episode, there is a guided meditation …
Dear Friends, the topic for this video is “The Purpose of This Moment”. Life is precious. We didn’t come here willy nilly just to take up space. I have often wondered what is the purpose of life, as have some of you may have wondered too I imagine. In these interesting times, I think it …
Dear Friends, Holding Space is the primary tool for a coach and it’s also the glue of successful high vibe long term relationship. If everyone knows how to hold space for someone else, we would not need coaches or even doctors. That is why this is the topic of exploration for this podcast episode. The …
Dear Friends, we are all in the process of getting to our true self, whether we know it or not. The game of living someone else’s truth so that we would be worthy of being accepted is over. We are now in the process of discovering our own truth and to be the sole custodian …
Dear Friends, the topic for this episode of A New Human Experience Podcast is “Embrace Your Truth”. Each of us are going through a transformation of sorts. It’s not whether you are transforming or not, it’s where you are in this transformation. We are going through this transformation because we as a collective have chosen …
Dear Friends, this Thursday is September 9th, aka September Gateway day. September is a powerful month energetically speaking and I started out by sharing my experience of how the energy has affected me. I also shared my understanding of where we are on the two world split journey and what is the best way to …
SoulSpeaks 5D with Winnie Lui. I shared part of my galactic reunion story with Todd Medina on his platform. Thank you Todd for the fun time.