Thanksgiving “Avoid becoming the product of environment, when environment is meant to become a product of you.” Bentinho Masaro It’s a beautiful quote and my spirit took advantage of this permission slip. It’s also rather poignant cause most of us would gather with family or friends at Thanksgiving time. It’s a time when we all …
Universe of Surprises “To know the future is to be trapped by it…. Universe of surprises that is what I pray for…” Said Letto Atreides to his Grand Mother in the Children of Dune. I first saw this movie a few years ago when I was out of the country. The whole Dune serie whether …
I Know Who I Am In Truth I was reading the notes I made while listening to a recorded talk by Paul Selig this morning. He mentioned during his talk that he used a mantra to help him focus when he channels. The mantra starts with “I know who I am in Truth ….” I …
What the heck with my hip! I woke up this morning feeling a little off. Effects of the full moon last night perhaps. So I made time to sit down and meditate to change my head space. Various thoughts race through my mind as I start to connect with my breathing and start to turn …
I have been on this spiritual journey for over 30 years now. Admittedly it has not always been clear to me where it is that I’m actually journeying towards. Heck, let’s just say that most of the time including right this moment of now, I have no clue what this journey is all about. I …
No Separation From Kryon Live Channelling: “Communicating with Spirit”January 2016 in Boulder, CO …the more you learn about science, the more you learn about the Creator, and that there is no separation between physics and spirituality. It is men and women, with their free choice and logic, who choose to separate themselves from the majesty …
We may be by ourselves but we are never alone. We are always surrounded by our Cosmic family. We may not be able to see them nor hear them but we can feel their love and they are constantly communicating with us subtly and not so subtly. Their love for us is truly unconditional. This …
This Wednesday February 1st, 2017 9:00pm Shining Light Call is on Love. Love is the ground, the glue, the fabric of the unseen matrix that flows between human interaction. Love really is the master of all topics and so I’ve dedicated all four episodes of our call in February to the topic of Love. I …