This is the last installment of Simple Habits to Grow Your Consciousness. Last but not least is to take responsibility. The more you choose to take responsibility in creating what you want in your life, the more you allow your consciousness to grow to the level it needs to inorder to be responsible. To learn …
Month: August 2020
A channeling of Kria on August 22nd 2020. You can also hear this on Anchor podcast as audio only.
This is the third installment of August’s theme on “Simple Habits to Raise Consciousness”. In this age of information, our attention is stretch far and wide. Every marketer knows that if they can get your attention they can sell you something. Whether that something is an idea or a product, your attention is constantly bombarded …
A recording of Kria channeling on August 16th 2020. You can also hear it on Anchor podcast as audio only.
Feeling The Moment is Part 2 of “Simple Habits To Raise Consciousness”. In the month of August all the podcast episodes are on this theme of simple habits that will raise your consciousness. The next habit is simply to feel what you feel in the moment. Allow yourself to feel and let go of censoring …
August 8th marked the peak of the Lion’s Gate energy. I have been feeling the shift in energy the week before and I was called to do a channeling on this day to celebrate these exhilarating high energies. You can access the Anchor podcast link here and the video format replay is below. Please share …
The theme for August is Simple Habits To Grow Your Consciousness. The aim of this podcast is to grow consciousness, however, for this month I want to focus on the simple things that you can start to incorporate in your life that will inevitably grow your consciousness. You don’t need to learn some fancy technique …
The conclusion of the month long exploration into relationship. I started off the month of July with the topic of “Mirror Mirror” talking about our relationship with ourselves. Since this is the last talk on the subject of relationships in July, I want to round off this exploration of relationships and hence our topic is …
Continuing on our exploration into relationships this month of July 2020, we shall dive into our romantic relationship. Romantic love is a relatively new phenomena. For a lot of human history, men and women “got” together for many reasons other than love or even affection. Our romantic partner is family that we get to choose …